Product information:
Packing specification: new goods from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flower] 100g without velvet, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flower] with velvet 100G [, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flower] without velvet 250g, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flower] with velvet 250g [, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flower] without velvet 500g, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Wild [Flowers] with velvet 500g [, new products from origin [only one ton of sulfur-free direct sales]-Honeysuckle bulk [2G] sample
The farm sun dries and does not smoke sulfur
Farm sun drying, no addition, farm taste.
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