Style 1: School stationery, office station
Style 2: Manual pencil sharpener
Style 7: Pencil
Color: white/blue/pink
Color classification: Students with excellent grades hand cutting pen machine - please note the color of pet hand cutting pen machine - please note the color elf hand cutting pen machine - please note the color animal families hand cutting pen machine - please note the color a single sprouting of bear plane single sprouting sprouting white bear pen pen blue a single sprouting of plane pink single m le pen mouse bear pen white single m le plane pink single m le pen of the rat rat pen blue single candy color plane single candy color blue pen pen green single candy color plane pink pen pen + rubber + 6 the HB pencil pen plane + 2 rubber + 12 Chinese HB pencil pen plane + the 2 b pencil rubber + 6 Pencil sharpener +2 eraser +12 Chinese pencil 2B pencil sharpener + eraser + mark pencil 3 pencil sharpener + Eraser + Mark pencil 6 pencil sharpener +2 eraser + Mark pencil 12 Excellent student pencil sharpener + eraser +12 Chinese pencil HB pet sharpener + eraser +12 Chinese pencil 2B spirit sharpener + eraser +6 Mark pencil HB
Shell material: Plastic